Monday, December 19, 2011

Gulliver's Travels #1: Historical Context

Literature often portrays the cultural and morale times in which it was written.  Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift is no exception.  Written at the time of the English Civil War...what?  You've never heard of the English Civil War?  Oh yes, England had its very own Civil War just as America did.  Only this wasn't fought over slavery, it was fought over an Absolute Monarchy and Parliamentary Democracy.  Oh, look, it's easier to show you than try to explain it:

But wait...there's more:

So, as you can see, it can all be a bit confusing. Why don't you try to sort it all out for me?  I'd like you to make a timeline of the English Civil Wars using either of these online timeline generators

Online timeline generator. Two examples of free timeline generators are Timetoast or Xtimeline, Both are easy to use, but xtimeline allows you to upload pictures or videos as an added bonus. You must include no fewer than 12 key points. When you are finished, please post a comment to this blog entry including a link to your timeline.  (Remember, please log into the blog as "anonymous" and use your first and last initial on your comment).

Hint:  you may find this link useful for additional reference:  British Civil Wars, Commonwealth and Protectorate 1638-60

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