Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Julius Caesar #2: All Roads Lead to Rome

Ask Mr. Shelby for a copy of the map titled "Roman Highways".  Print and complete the questions below using the map and the internet.  Please use a ruler when labeling the map. 

1. Name the mountains north of Italy_____________________________.

2. The island of ___________________________ is southwest of Italy.

3. The Via ____________________________ goes from Roma to Brundisium.

4. Name the via that goes to Pompeii. ____________________________.

5. The Via ____________________________ is the only highway on Sicilia.

6. The Via ____________________________ travels along the western coast to the north.

7. Use a ruler to measure the approximate distances between these cities.
A. Rome to Pompeii ____________________
B. Panormus to Syracusae ____________________
C. Cannae to Brundisium ____________________
D. Genua to Ostia ____________________
E. Ravenna to Cannae ____________________
8. Trace these routes directly on the map:

A. Via Aemelia with a red crayon
B. Via Latina with a yellow crayon
C. Via Flaminia with a green crayon
D. Via Appia with a blue crayon

I Came, I Saw, I Conquered-Ancient Rome WebQuest © Buckley Country Day School 2003

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