Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Last of the Mohican's #6: Independent Projects

Choose one of the below projects to demonstrate your understanding.

1.  Mathematical/Logical
Prepare and display a timeline showing the key facts about the novel.  It must include at least fifteen facts and must include illustrations that coincide with the facts.

2.  Naturalistic
Last of the Mohicans takes place in the wild frontier of what was to become upper New York State.  Research the natural habitat and landscape of the Finger Lakes region of New York.  Create a landscape painting or drawing of the natural flora (plants) and fauna (animals) found there.  

3.  Linguistic
Write a five paragraph essay summarizing one of the following themes found in the novel Last of the Mohicans
  • The consequences of interracial love and friendship
  •  Literal and metaphorical nature 
  •  The role of religion in the wilderness
  •  The changing idea of family
Be sure to cite examples and/or quotes from the book. 

4.  Musical
Music from the Romantic period broke all the rules of classical music.  Some famous Romantic composers include Beethoven, Franz Liszt, Franz Schubert, Hector Berlioz, Frederic Chopin, Robert Schumann, Giuseppe Verde, and American, John Philip Sousa.  Chose three composers to listen to and create a PowerPoint which briefly details the lives the composers and highlights their music.  

5.  Kinesthetic
Prepare and bring in foods from the following cultures of this time period: Indian, English, and French.  Students should not only bring in the food items, but be prepared to discuss how they were prepared, as well as why they were relevant to the society at the time.

6.  Intrapersonal
Dress as one of the characters in The Last of the Mohicans.  Give an oral presentation of the time, setting, and important facts of the book from the character's point of view. 

7.  Interpersonal
Imagine you are the host of a dinner party with 3 characters from Last of the Mohicans.  Who would you invite?  With three other classmates, reenact the dinner party, with dialog about their characters.  Dialog must last at least 5 minutes. 

8.  Visual/Spatial
Using a video camera, reenact your favorite scene from the novel.  Students should be dressed in character, and should include scenery that is pertinent to the story.  Reenactment should be at least seven minutes in length.

The Last of Mohican's #5: Watch the movie!

The 1992 version of Last of the Mohicans starred Daniel Day Lewis and Madeleine Stowe.  Watch the film and complete the following the tasks on the accompany study guide. 

  •  Make a list of as many discrepancies between film and text that you can find. 
  • Write a three paragraph essay on the discrepancies and why you think Hollywood chose to make these changes.

Last of the Mohican's #4: Time to Read

As you read, please complete the following study guides by chapter.  You may type your responses in the Word documents.  When you've completed each study guide, please print them and turn them in to Mr. Shelby.

Chapters 2 & 3
Chapters 4 & 5
Chapters 6, 7, 8

Chapters 9 & 10
Chapters 11& 12
Chapters 13 & 14
Chapters 15 & 16
Chapters 17 & 18
Chapters 19 & 20

Chapters 21 & 22
Chapters 23 & 24
Chapters 27 & 28
Chapters 29 & 30
Chapter 31
Chapters 32 & 33
(Thanks to Jason Smith of Lancaster School District)

Last of the Mohicans #3: Romanticisim and Nature

Early American settlers saw the wilderness as something wild that had to be “conquered and civilized in the name of Christianity and progress” (Roderick Nash, "The Cultural Significance of the American Wilderness").

1.  Visit the National Endowment for the Humanities art gallery, called Picturing America.

2.  Enter the gallery and go to the second page.  On the top left hand corner, you will see two pictures.  Click on the picture of the first picture, a landscape by Thomas Cole (1801-1848).  This is a landscape from a valley in Connecticut.
  • Read the paragraph titled “Inspiration”.  Write a short paragraph (5-7 sentences) on what you see in this picture and how it makes you feel.  Why is this described as a ‘split’ representation of the valley?
3.  Go back to the gallery.  Now click on the picture of the Native American.  This painting by N.C. Wyeth (1882-1945) was actually the cover of James Fenimore Cooper’s Last of the Mohicans
  •  Looking at this painting, how would you describe this man?  What kinds of inferences can you make regarding his character and personality?  What do you think is important to him? 

Last of the Mohicans #2: Historican Context

In order to understand the story of the Last of the Mohicans, it is important to understand the historical context in which it is written.  

  1. Complete the French and Indian Ware Newspaper Article webquest. 
  2. After conducting your research, you will turn in a newspaper article and a PowerPoint  or a Prezi presentation depicting a battle fought during the French and Indian War.  There is a rubric found under the rubric tab which you will use to make sure your work is complete. 

Last of the Mohicans #1: Who was James Fenimore Cooper?

James Fenimore Cooper is from the school of writing known as American Romanticism.  In this case, the term “romantic” is not about love, but rather on the ideals that came after the European Enlightenment which focused on logic and reason.  Romantic authors used themes such as individuality, freedom from rules, life in solitude rather than society, non-conformity, the power of the imagination, beauty, nature, and the rebirth of mythological themes.  Sometimes known as the first great American author, Cooper wrote stories centered on nature, heroism, pioneer life, and the American frontier.  Last of the Mohicans is the second in a 5-novel series about pioneer life during the French and Indian War (1754-1763), and is often considered his greatest work.

Before beginning your study of James Fenimore Cooper’s novel, Last of the Mohicans, decide whether you agree or disagree with each statement.   Copy and paste the following questions into a Word document.  State your reasons why you agree or disagree with the following statements. 

  1. “Great art speaks powerfully, inspires fresh thinking, and connects us to our past.” “Might versus right” - the strongest will rule others and have the power to determine right and wrong.
  2. Man must tame and dominate the natural world.
  3. It is up to the current generation to leave the world a better place for future generations.
  4. Darwin’s theory of “Survival of the Fittest” is a universal truth.
  5. A real family consists of a mom, dad, and their biological children.
  6. There is peace and spirituality in nature.
  7. People of other races should not inter marry. 

Persuasive Essay Rubric

Persuasive Essay
Teacher Name: Shelby
Student Name:     ________________________________________

4 - Above 
3 - Meets 
2 - Approaching 
1 - Below 
Position Statement
The position statement provides a clear, strong statement of the author's position on the topic.
The position statement provides a clear statement of the author's position on the topic.
A position statement is present, but does not make the author's position clear.
There is no position statement.
Evidence and Examples
All of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position.
Most of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position.
At least one of the pieces of evidence and examples is relevant and has an explanation that shows how that piece of evidence supports the author's position.
Evidence and examples are NOT relevant AND/OR are not explained.
Arguments and support are provided in a logical order that makes it easy and interesting to follow the author's train of thought.
Arguments and support are provided in a fairly logical order that makes it reasonably easy to follow the author's train of thought.
A few of the support details or arguments are not in an expected or logical order, distracting the reader and making the essay seem a little confusing.
Many of the support details or arguments are not in an expected or logical order, distracting the reader and making the essay seem very confusing.
Sentence Structure
All sentences are well-constructed with varied structure.
Most sentences are well-constructed and there is some varied sentence structure in the essay.
Most sentences are well constructed, but there is no variation is structure.
Most sentences are not well-constructed or varied.
Grammar & Spelling
Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Author makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content-t.
Author makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Author makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Capitalization & Punctuation
Author makes no errors in capitalization or punctuation, so the essay is exceptionally easy to read.
Author makes 1-2 errors in capitalization or punctuation, but the essay is still easy to read.
Author makes a few errors in capitalization and/or punctuation that catch the reader's attention and interrupt the flow.
Author makes several errors in capitalization and/or punctuation that catch the reader's attention and interrupt the flow.


Unless otherwise stated, this rubric will be used for marking projects.

Name:  _____________________________________                                                
Date:  ______________            
Title of Project:  ______________________________________________                                            

Creativity:      +       √        -
Attractive/ Neat:      +       √        -

Time/effort :    +       √        -

Required elements :    +       √        -

Accuracy of Content:    +       √        -

Mechanics:    +       √        -

Depth of Content/Facts:  +      √     -

Organization:    +       √        -

Knowledge gained:    +       √        -

Sources:    +       √        -
Overall grade:

Teacher comments: 

Macbeth #6: Are we done yet???

Almost.  Your final project is to write a two-page essay on the following quote by Lord Acton in 1887:

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Do you agree or disagree?  Using quotes and examples from Macbeth, argue or defend Lord Acton’s quote.  (Your paper must be at least two (2) typed pages). 

Macbeth #5: Thanks! That was much better than reading it on my own!

You’re welcome.  Let’s see what you’ve learned.  Choose one of the below projects to demonstrate your understanding.  (Based on projects from Lydia Hallard, Eastdale Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Oshawa, Ontario)

1.  Math/Logical
Create a game based on the actions and consequences of the characters in Macbeth.  This must be type of role-playing game board game, not a “Candy Land” type game.  

2.  Naturalistic
Dunsinane Hill
What is meant by nature/supernature in Macbeth? How should nature be treated, and what happens when nature is mistreated?  Write a two page report, using evidence from the play and illustrations (downloaded or cut out are fine).

3.  Linguistic
Create a cartoon storyboard for one act of the play (not including Act I). 

4.  Musical
Create and perform a song that symbolizes and suits a scene from the play. Emphasize appropriate mood. 

5.  Kinesthetic
Perform a modern interpretation from a scene from the play.  (Hint:  The more action, the better!)

6.  Intrapersonal
Create a  entry for a character from Macbeth.  Provide details about actions, actions, emotions and desires. You must have at least 8 entries to receive full credit. 

7.  Interpersonal
Interview a character from the play EXCLUDING Macbeth or Lady Macbeth. Write down at least ten questions you would ask and ten answers this character would give based on his/her actions in the play so far.

8. Visual/Spatial 
Using stop motion animation, recreate a scene from the play with Lego people (or something similar) recreate a scene from the play.   For more details on how to accomplish this, you may wish to visit

9.  Artistic
Visit the virtual John Singer Sargeant museum and look at the painting of Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth. Write a short, one-page essay on the character of Lady Macbeth, using the play and the portrait as a reference. 

Macbeth #4: WOW! That was amazing. NOW what?

Now, it’s time to read the play.  Because Shakespeare was meant to be watched and listened to, you will be listening to the play while reading along. 

I.  Grab your copy of the play (or use the "No Fear Shakespeare" text) and download the MP# or real audio files at:

II.  At the end of each Act, complete the Macbeth study guide Copy and paste the study guide below into a Word document.  Submit your responses at the end of each Act.

Macbeth #3: Ok…time to read now???

Actually, no.  Let’s watch the movie first.   Go get the movie from Mr. Shelby, grab a snack and beware of ghosts and witches!