Monday, December 19, 2011

Gulliver's Travels #5: Final Projects

Satire is a form of comedy that is often used in modern entertainment.  But don't just take my word on it, see for yourself:  Additional Examples of Satire in Pop Culture

For your final project for Gulliver's Travels, please chose one of the following topics. As always, do your best work.  I expect proper writing style, grammar, punctuation, etc.  Do your own work!  Sources must be properly cited in proper MLA format using Son of Citation Machine; no plagiarism.  If you choose to work with a partner, you must get permission from Mr. Shelby before you begin. 

Projects will be assessed on content, visual appeal, creativity, difficulty, and neatness.  Written work must be typed!


All projects must include a work’s cited page.  I want to know where you found your information!

1.  Movie Trailer 
Create a “movie trailer" (rate G, PG, or PG-13 only!) using only music and still images.   Compose music, or use licensed music, to create an appropriate mood for the trailer. The movie trailer should be 30-90 seconds long and must address key events of Gulliver's Travels.  For an great example (do not use this  as your work!), you might like to see this:  Gulliver's Travels Movie Trailer.

2.  Satirical News Skit
Choose an important piece of local or world news and create a Saturday Night Live-type skit.  You must submit a written script as well as a half-page description on why you chose to satirize this particular event and perform it for the class.  

3.  Political Cartoon
Living in California gives us plenty of opportunities to experience both good and bad legislation and political leaders.  Create a political cartoon based on a current 'hot' political topic in California.  Include a half-page description on why you chose to satirize this particular political topics.

4.   Music Video
After listening to the songs of 'Weird Al Yankovich' (See Gulliver's Travels #2: What is Satire?), create your own music video to parody a contemporary popular song.

5.  Shrek, the great satirist
Watch the movie Shrek.  Brainstorm a list of 10 common elements of fairy tales (for example, they all begin with "Once upon a time...") Now, define the 4 types of satire:  parody, reversal, exaggeration, and incongruity.  Now, find an example of each of these 4 types of satire in Shrek.  Create a poster graphically depicting each of the 4 types.  Each type must be labeled and defined in the poster.  (reference:

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