Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Romeo & Juliet #3: No Fear Shakespeare!

You may have heard that Shakespeare too hard to read and understand.  However, if you start this unit with the attitude that it's going to be to hard, then it will be just that. Because the language of Shakespeare is over 400 years old, it's import to get to know the play and the characters before you start reading.  Remember, Shakespeare's plays were meant to be seen and heard by an audience.  And his audience wasn't the queen and nobility, it was everyday, working class people. Although, they too, may have had a hard time understanding it because Shakespeare made up his own words.  Eyeball, bedroom, and hush  were all invented by Shakespeare as part of his own poetic language!

Shakespeare wrote in iambic pentameter.  Really, that just means he wrote verses based on 5 sets of two syllables.  Watch this rap (that's right, I said rap) video to find out more: 

 Now, let's get to know a little about the characters in the play.  Print this cast of characters and put it in your Romeo and Juliet portfolio.  You will need to refer to it now and then.

Finally, ask Mr. Shelby for his copy of the movie, Romeo and Juliet.  You will need to watch it before you begin reading!

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