Tuesday, April 3, 2012

To Kill a Mockingbird #2: Pre Reading – Viewpoints Sentence Starters


You may think you that you, a California teen living in the 21st century, can’t relate to a story written in the South in the 1950’s.  What could you possibly have in common?  And what could a story that old have to do with your modern, technology filled life?  Let’s find out!

Read and complete each of the listed statements. You may write a single sentence or you may wish to elaborate on one or more topics.  When you’re finished, post it as a comment to this blog, remember that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion.  (Because TKM brings up some rather interesting topics, I must insist on tolerance of other’s ideas, whether you agree or not.)
    • My idea of a hero is ...
    • America's idea of a model family may be described as...
    • A defendant in a jury trial has the best chance of being found innocent if ...
    • One advantage of living before 1950 was ...
    • One disadvantage of living before 1950 was ...
    • A Southern lady would never ... 

    Works Cited

    Prince William Network. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee: Then and Now: A Distance Learning Adventure. 1997. Oracle ThinkQuest. 1 April 2012. <http://library.thinkquest.org/12111/>.

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