Saturday, April 7, 2012

To Kill a Mockingbird #6: Webquest

Dust Bowl, South Dakota (Depression Era)

Complete the following To Kill a Mockingbird Webquest .  You will need to produce the following products at the completion of your webquest research:

1.  A collage of pictures gathered from your research.

2.  A newspaper which discusses portrays the lives of Scout, Jem, Boo, and Tom by creating a newspaper that portrays Alabama in the 1930s.  You may have comics, advice columns, ads, etc, but you must also include an article on the Tom Robinson case in TKM along with at least three additional articles from the following list:
  • The Depression
  • Jim Crow Laws
  • The Scottsboro Trials
  • The Role of Women and Families in the 1930's

Layout and Neatness
Newspaper layout is neat, organized, easy to read, and creative. Appropriate graphics are included.
Newspaper layout is neat, organized, and easy to read. Some graphics are included.
Newspaper layout is somewhat disorganized and difficult to read. Few graphics are included.
Newspaper layout is disorganized and difficult to read. Little or no graphics are included.
Grammar and Spelling
Little or no grammar and spelling mistakes.
Few grammar and spelling mistakes.
Many grammar and spelling mistakes.
Abundance of grammar and spelling mistakes; obvious lack of proofreading.
Quality of Articles and Newspaper Content
Article topics are interesting, informative, and well-researched. Time period is accurately depicted.
Article topics are moderately interesting and informative. Time period is depicted.
Article topics are somewhat interesting and informative. Time period is barely depicted or has historical inaccuracies.
Article topics reveal lack of research or knowledge of historical time period.
Diversity of Newspaper
Newspaper is an excellent compilation of articles, stories, editorials, graphics, etc. The work submitted group members is diverse and varied.
Newspaper is a good compilation of articles, stories, editorials, graphics, etc. The work submitted by group members is somewhat diverse and varied.
Newspaper is a fair compilation of articles, stories, editorials, graphics, etc. Articles and stories are similar to one another.
Newspaper is a poor compilation of articles, stories, editorials, graphics, etc. Articles and stories are too similar to one another.
Research and Works Cited
Newspaper reveals thorough research, and many aspects of the time period are accurately depicted. Works Cited page is turned in and completed in proper format.
Newspaper reveals adequate research, and some aspects of the time period are well-depicted. Works Cited page is turned in and in proper format.
Newspaper reveals lack of adequate research, and the time period is only somewhat depicted. Works Cited page is incorrectly formatted or not turned in.
Newspaper reveals lack of research or comprehension of the historical elements. Time period is not depicted. Works Cited page is incorrectly formatted or not turned in.

With thanks to:

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