Saturday, April 7, 2012

To Kill a Mockingbird #7: Final Projects

Watch the movie, To Kill a Mockingbird.  Then, choose one of the following projects to complete.  

1.  Scout and Jem are all grown up with grandkids of their own.  Write a letter from the point of view of either Scout or Jem to their grandchildren, telling about their childhood around the time of the Tom Robinson Trial.

2.  Create a collage of what you consider important images from the novel.

3.   Draw a map or make a model of Maycomb and place the characters in their communities.

4.  If Boo Radley could talk, what do you think he would say? Write an entry in his secret diary.

5.  Create a poster for a new movie based on the book. Include pictures of today's actors whom you might cast in the main roles.

Atticus, Jem, and Scout
6.  Write a poem, a rap, or a song that summarizes the key points of the novel.   

7.  What kind of father is Atticus?  Write a paper outlining the Atticus' character traits.  Then decide if he is a good role model for young fathers.  

Special thanks to:


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