Saturday, April 7, 2012

What is your Personal Work Style?
When it comes to work, whether it's for school or for your job, do you like to take charge do you prefer someone else to tell you what you need to do?  Do you like to see a job completed or would you rather gather information and let someone else finish t he work?  Take this Quick Work Preference Inventory to find out more about your personal work preferences.

Step 1:  Take the inventory, click on the link below and for each row, select one choice.

Step 2:  Click on the "Total Value" button and fill in the chart below (copy and paste the chart into a Word document!)  (If the "Total Value" button does not work, add up the number of choices in each column and fill in the chart.)


Step 3:  Now click on the link below that says "Go to Work Preference Results".

Step 4:  The column in which you scored highest represents your preferred work style.  (If you tied scores, you can consider both columns to represent your preferred work styles).  In that same Word document, answer the following questions:

  1. What was your highest column?  What is that work style?  Copy that column into your Word document.
  2. What was your lowest column?  What is that work style?
  3. Do you think this inventory is a true portrayal of your work style?  Why or why not?
  4. How do you think you can use this information to help you succeed both in school and at a job?

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